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Kernel - Message Formatting and Template Expansions   

The module kivakit-kernel supports a simple variable substitution syntax. This syntax can be used when formatting messages, or when substituting variables into templates.

Formatting a Message

Basic message formatting is achieved with the Message.format() method:

var formatted = Message.format("Hello my name is $", name);

The symbol $ is an expansion marker, and the corresponding argument is substituted into the formatted string at the marker’s location:

var formatted = format("argument1 = $, argument2 = $", argumentOne, argumentTwo);

Here, argumentOne’s string value will be substituted for the first $ and argumentTwo’s string value will be substituted for the second $. Both arguments will be converted to string values using Strings.toString(Object).

In addition to this basic subsitution syntax, arguments can be formatted in a variety of ways using the syntax ${format}, where format is one of the following:

Format Description
$$ evaluates to a literal ‘$’
${class} converts a Class argument to a simple (non-qualified) class name
${hex} converts a long argument to a hexadecimal value
${binary} converts a long argument to a binary string
${integer} converts an integer argument to a non-comma-separated numeric string
${long} converts a long argument to a non-comma-separated numeric string
${float} converts a float argument to a string with one digit after the decimal
${double} converts a double argument to a string with one digit after the decimal
${debug} converts an argument to a string using DebugString.toDebugString() if that interface is supported.
${object} uses an ObjectFormatter to format the argument by reflecting on it
${flag} converts boolean arguments to ‘enabled’ or ‘disabled’
${name} converts the argument to the name returned by if the argument is Named
${nowrap} signals that the message should not be wrapped

For example:

format("The file named '${name}' was read in $", file, start.elapsedSince());

The reason for the ${long} and ${integer} formats in the table above is that int, long and Count objects are formatted by default with comma separators. This code:

Count lines;


format("Processed $ lines.", lines);

will produce a string like:

Processed 1,457,764 lines.

Using ${integer} like this:

Count lines;


format("Processed ${integer} lines.", lines);

produces string this instead:

Processed 1457764 lines.

Broadcasting a Message

When broadcasting a message from a component, each message broadcasting method (information(), warning(), problem(), etc.) accepts the same parameters as Message.format() and they are handled in the same way:

information("Processed $ lines.", lines);


The VariableMap and PropertyMap classes allow for easy template substitutions using a similar syntax:

var properties = PropertyMap.load(this, file);
properties.put("home", "/users/shibo");
properties.put("job", "/var/jobs/job1");
var expanded = properties.expand("Home = ${home}, Job = ${job}");

Here, the marker ${home} is replaced with the value returned by properties.get(“home”), and ${job} is replaced by properties.get(“job”).

Putting it all together, we can load a .properties file and a template, and expand the template like this:

Resource template;
Resource properties;


var expanded = PropertyMap.load(this, properties).expand(template.string());

The properties file resource properties is read with load(), broadcasting any warning or problem messages to this object. The property map is then expanded into the template read from the resource template with Resource.string(). Yes, reading and expanding a template in KivaKit is a one-liner.


The code discussed above is available on GitHub:

The KivaKit kernel, is available on Maven Central at these coordinates:


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Copyright © 2021 Jonathan Locke