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Jonathan's thoughts on the state of the art in software design.


Why KivaKit provides service locator instead of DI  

Martin Fowler does a nice job of describing the service locator (SL) design pattern and dependency injection (DI) in his article Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern. The basic distinction between these two patterns is that in DI, a container pushes interfaces into an object based on its configuration while in SL, the object reaches out to the container to ask for the interface. While I agree overall with what this article has to say (and I think we all agree on the principle of decoupling), I have a couple of fine points to add to the discussion.

DI is not fully equivalent to SL. Both can be used effectively to decouple dependencies, and both get the job done. However, DI violates a core tenet of object-oriented programming: encapsulation. Whether you are doing constructor injection, setter injection or field injection, you are ultimately pushing an implementation detail into an object, which is the very definition of breaking encapsulation (for a detailed discussion on this subject, see Alan Holub’s excellent and provocative article Why getter and setter methods are evil).

Consider the case of an Alien that requires a QuantumDatabase implementation to find out what planet to attack next. If we ignore all the arcane details of any particular DI framework, the dependency injection code for our alien might look like this:

interface QuantumDatabase 
    Planet queryPlanetToAttack(Alien alien);

class Alien
    private QuantumDatabase database;
    public void attackPlanet()
    	    var planet = database.queryPlanetToAttack(this);
    	    // TODO

The DI framework here knows how to inject a QuantumDatabase implementation into our Alien object by looking at the type (and potentially the name) of the private database field. This is simple enough, and although it does break encapsulation, it accomplishes the loose coupling we require.

Now, let’s look at how SL might solve the same problem:

class Alien
    public void attackPlanet()
        var planet = Registry.of(this)
        // TODO

The statement Registry.of(this) finds the right Registry object to use to find our Alien object (this is normally a global registry, but it could vary in some circumstances). Then the lookup() method yields an implementation of the QuantumDatabase interface for the Alien to use.


These two approaches seem identical at first glance, but there is one subtle difference. When the attackPlanet() method returns in the DI example, the database field still holds a reference to the QuantumDatabase service. The alien and its database have the same lifecycle. However, in the SL implementation the database reference is a local and when attackPlanet() returns, the QuantumDatabase service implementation is no longer referenced and can potentially be garbage collected. Because encapsulation isn’t broken, the Alien object can use a QuantumDatabase implementation only when it needs it. In fact, if attackPlanet() is never called, there will be no QuantumDatabase lookup at all (and potentially the QuantumDatabase won’t be constructed either, saving on energy used by the particle accelerator).

Why should we care about this? Well, aside from purely ideological differences, the SL approach makes it very easy for a registry implementation to manage services more dynamically, and potentially more efficiently as well. For example, a sophisticated registry could pool instances of non-thread-safe services that are expensive to create, and use some form of concurrency control to restrict access. A registry implementation could also hold weak or soft references to services, allowing rarely used but memory hungry services to be collected when they’re not actually in use. It could create some services with a factory on-the-fly. It could even vary the implementation of an interface over time. In each case, the SL design pattern is more flexible because the scope of reference to a service is an implementation detail, and with the SL pattern the consumer of a service can hold a reference to it exactly as long as it needs it.


A full implementation of the SL design pattern is available in KivaKit.


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